Business Opportunities
Hangars & Offices for Lease
We want your business at GMU! While all of our existing hangars are currently leased, there is plenty of real estate available for the construction of additional hangars. The waiting list for T-Hangars is estimated to be four (4) years with a $150 deposit required to be added to the list. Please check with us for office availability in the terminal building.
Check with our FBOs, Greenville Jet Center (864-232-7100) and Special Services Corporation (864-242-3383), for more information on available hangar space.
GMU Land For Long Term Lease
The Greenville Airport Commission is actively seeking tenants for its five parcels of land that range in size from 1.71 to 14.56 acres. Some of the sites have runway access and all of the plots have flexible zoning. Two lots are perfect for the construction of additional T-Hangars.
Another parcel is perfect for office development that fronts Woods Lake Road between Byrdland Drive and Piper Lane. Several parcels are available with frontage on Byrdland Drive that would allow direct access to a taxiway with streetside parking outside the fence. These would be perfect for business owners and professionals that use their airplanes on a regular basis. Customers and clients could park directly in front of these office hangar facilities without having to gain access inside the fence through locked gates.